Common Questions About Cremation Services

It can take some time to decide on the kind of funerary services you want for your loved one. This is something that can be stressful for people and that can make it more difficult for them to know what to choose. If you are thinking about cremation services, but you are not entirely sure yet, you will want to know a few things. Here are the most frequently asked questions that providers of cremation services in DeWitt, NY want you to keep in mind as you choose.

What Options are Available?

There are different options that you can choose from when you decide to go with cremation. Lots of times, people think that the only cremation option is direct cremation, but that is not the case. You can choose to have a full cremation, which you can have with a memorial service, or you can even choose to have a bio cremation. A bio cremation is done with water instead of heat so that there is very little carbon released into the air when the cremation takes place. This is something that can be important for people who are worried about the environment.

Will the Remains be the Correct Ones?

A common worry people have about cremation services is not being sure if you will receive the right remains. That is actually not something you have to worry about. There are very strict protocols in place that can prevent any mistakes. Because cremation cannot be undone, providers of cremations have lots of paperwork. They never mistake someone’s remains for another person’s. If you are still worried about this, however, you can also ask about being present during the service. Most providers charge a small fee for this, but it can make a difference and it can put you at ease.

Is a Service Possible?

Sometimes people think that only when you choose to have a burial you can have a funeral, but that is not the case. You can have a service after the cremation takes place, and for many people, it can actually be the best option. You can put together the exact kind of service that you want for the person without having to rush and you can allow people to be able to attend, when they may not have been able to if the service was rushed.

When getting ready to decide on the kind of funerary services you want for your loved one, you will want to know as much as possible about the options that you are considering. By asking a lot of questions when choosing cremation services, you will be able to get exactly the kind of options you want for your loved one. You can learn more about all of this by reaching out to a DeWitt, NY cremation service provider like us. We are here to help you make the arrangements you want for your loved one. You can give us a call today or you can stop by our location to learn more about our services.