Arranging a Child’s Service

Finding the right options for a baby or infant who has died is never going to be an easy thing to do. You will be dealing with the loss of your child, which can be harrowing, and it may seem impossible to plan the service. If that is what you are going through, there are some suggestions that directors of funeral homes in DeWitt, NY want you to be aware of.

Think about the kind of service that you want for the infant. You need to decide if you want to have a more intimate service or one that is larger and that will have more people attending. You also want to think if you want to have a celebration of life. This is a common option for children’s funerals, since it focuses on the joy of the child’s life and what their life meant to the people around them, not just on their passing. It can be a good way of honoring the child. If you are not sure about the kind of service that you want, you can speak with the provider to learn more about the options available.

The location of the service is something that you want to take a close look at. Not all families want to have the funeral at a funeral home or at a place of worship. If that is something that you are not sure about, you may even want to consider having the service at home. For memorials, this is especially important to remember, since you will not have a casket to worry about. You will want to ask other family members about this if you are not sure about the location.

For many families, having a celebration of life instead of a regular funeral or memorial is a good option. A celebration of life honors the life of the child and does not only focus on their passing. It can be more light-hearted and can be a better option for a child. You can include games for other children and all manner of treats that your loved one would have enjoyed. It is a celebration of the life they led, no matter how short it was.

Choosing the right decorations for the service is something else you want to keep in mind. As beautiful as funerary wreaths are, they can be the wrong choice for a baby’s service. Instead, think about bright flowers or even balloons. You may also ask guests to bring stuffed animals with which to decorate the service which you can then donate.

These are some of the most crucial things to consider when you start planning the funeral or memorial service for a child. You want to always make certain that you are happy with the location where the service will take place and that even the kind of service you have is taken into account. If you want to get started making arrangements, you can reach out to a DeWitt, NY funeral home like us. We are ready to help you find the best options for your family. Give us a call right now or stop by our location today to speak with one of our experts about how we can help you during this very difficult time.