What to Avoid Saying to Someone Grieving

funeral homes in Fayetteville, NY

When you reach out to a loved one who is dealing with a loss, you want to think carefully about what you say. It is never going to be easy to speak with someone who is grieving, but there are some important things you want to avoid saying so that you do not upset them. If that is something you are not sure about, there are some tips that directors of funeral homes in Fayetteville, NY want you to remember.

You never want to say that you know exactly what the person is going through. People tend to do this because they do not want the person to feel alone with their grief, but it can actually make them feel that their grief is not unique and that it is not important. You never want to do that. Instead, you want to let them know that you may not know exactly what they are dealing with but that you are there to listen if they want to tell you.

Another thing you want to remember is not to tell the person that they are really strong and they will get through this loss. Someone who is grieving does not need to be strong. They should feel comfortable expressing their weaknesses and their grief. Saying something like this can make them feel like they should keep what they are going through to themselves to put on a front of strength. That is not what you want.

You should also avoid saying that the person is in a better place. You may mean this in a comforting way, but it does not offer that comfort. The person who is grieving is someone who wants to have their loved one with them. This is important to remember especially if you are personally attending a service.

Another thing to not say to someone who is grieving is to insinuate that it may be time for them to get past the loss, especially if it’s a death of a parent. Everyone grieving a loss on their own time and it may be a bit longer for some people than others. You want them to go through the process at their own speed and not to have to worry about putting on a face to get past it.

funeral homes in Fayetteville, NY

These are all things that you want to avoid saying to someone who is grieving. The most important thing you want to remember is to listen to the person and let them know that you are there for them when they need you. Avoid telling them that their loved one is in a better place or that you know what they are going through since it does not help. You can learn more about how to help someone who is grieving by reaching out to a Fayetteville, NY funeral home like ours. We have years of experience offering people this kind of guidance so be sure to reach out to us. Give us a call now or stop by our location today to learn more about what we can offer.