Deciding on a Loved One’s Final Outfit

cremation services in Syracuse, NY

When laying a loved one to rest, you may have to choose their final outfit. This is something you want to consider with care and you want to think about what the person would have wanted. If you are not sure about what to choose as their final outfit or how to even begin to make this choice, there are some things that providers of cremation services in Syracuse, NY want you to remember.

It can be important to think about the personality of your loved one. If they were someone who loved to dress up and attend fancy events, you want to think about an outfit that can reflect that. Choose something that they would have work to a special occasion. If, on the other hand, your loved one preferred to dress in a sportier way or more casually, you want to choose something that fits that preference. You always want to decide on something that reflects who they were and what they would have chosen for themselves.

If your loved one was a member of a religion or culture that had specific requirements for what they wore or what they should wear for funerary services, keep that in mind. Many religions prefer more modest clothing, so choose something that fits that description. If you are not sure about the requirements for the culture or religion your loved one was a part of, you should reach out to experts for help.

It is important to think about any accessories your loved one wore all of the time and which they would have wanted added to their final outfit. This can be a piece of jewelry, a scarf, or even a belt they loved to wear. Anything you think they would have wanted to wear when laid to rest, you want to add to the outfit.

Keep in mind that there are some restrictions for cremation. Leather and latex can be an issue so avoid them. Metal can also cause problems, which means you want to also avoid outfits with any metal accents. Many people choose biodegradable outfits made of linen or cotton and some even choose to have the person cremated nude.

cremation services in Syracuse, NY

These are some things that you want to remember when getting ready to choose the final outfit for a loved one. You want to think about what your loved one would have wanted to wear and if they had any religious or cultural guidelines they would have wanted followed. It is always a good idea to speak with family members and see what they suggest. If you want to know more about choosing a final outfit for a loved one or anything else related to funerary services, you can reach out to a Syracuse, NY cremation service provider like us at Burns-Garfield Funeral Home. We are here to answer any questions or concerns you may have. Give us a call right now to speak with one of our experts about this and more.